Monday, November 17, 2008

Melbourne Zoo

Today, Jess and I visited the Melbourne Zoo. Not too much to say about it really. It was a great zoo. There were quite a few really neat exhibits. Besides the typical zoo fare such as Giraffes, Zebras, Lions, Ostriches, and Elephants, there were some not some common additions to their managarie. For one, they had a platypus. This is a creature I've never seen in real life, so that was quite cool. They had an Aussie exhibit that I found neat. It was a walk out in the open with no cages, so I got to stand right next to some roos and koalas. In fact, the koala was so close, it didn't register as even being exotic. There were wombats, which I must say are a lot bigger than I expected (they were medium dog sized) and an echidna (I got a photo manda, don't worry).

Sadly, Aussies don't find too many North American animals to be exotic. I couldn't wait to see a white tailed dear or a squirell in its natural habitat. Nope. The best they had was a diamondback and a cougar.

Fun day. Lots of walking. Lots of learning. I love the zoo.


sdelatovic said...

Platypuses [platypi?] are great, as they appear to be made of all the left over pieces that remained when God had almost had enough.

And zoos are awesome. To the max.

MissManda said...

Yaye echidna! Jess didn't have it up in her photos on facebook. You know me too well.