Sunday, November 2, 2008

Aussie Slang: "I reckon"

Every language and culture has its own filler words or jump in words. This statement is, of course, based only on English speaking places. If a person wants to speak, but needs second to catch up with his or her thoughts, he or she may toss in little words or short phrases. Such classic American filler words/phrases are "like", "you see", "you know", "um", "uh", "ur", the list goes on. My most used is "like I said", even if it is the first time I've ever said it.

Australians love "I reckon". No matter the context, "I reckon" is thrown on the start of 73% of all sentences (based on a random sample of four people).

For the most part, this does not bother me. If stating an opinion, I reckon is a great introduction. "I reckon that hat is quite stupid." Great. Perfect usage of reckon. Sometimes, it is tossed in to ask a question, yet still maintain some sort of dignity. "I reckon Churchill said that originally?" (Actually, it was JFK, but really who's really keeping track.) It can be used to negate a statement, but implies you are not taking a definite stance: "Well I reckon it was JFK who said that." It can be used to give up on an argument, but leave the door open for future 'I told you so's' : "I reckon you could be right."

It can also be tossed onto the end when you've said something wrong and need some damage control, "Mussolini did make the planes land on time...I reckon." These are all ok. Opinions. Unsure statements. I just can't handle when people buffer blatantly obvious statements with it. "I reckon that car is on fire." You don't reckon it, it is actually on fire!!!

Like I said, it is a perfectly functional filler word, but only when used in the right situation, you know?


Anonymous said...

Like, whatever!

MissManda said...

Well, I guess if the person were tripping on acid or something, it would make sense. I mean, maybe the car isn't on fire.

"Using reckon in that context is, like, so stupid!"

"I reckon it *is* stupid, not similar to stupid."

Da-da-da da da dah!