Thursday, March 26, 2009

Crazies Part 1: Name Unknown Codename C.C or Cute Canadian

I spotted a gorgeous brown eyed girl in byron bay at the Art's Factory hostel. She had a bunch of beads dangled over her legs and was trying to get them straightened. "Ah, I hate these beads, they are so annoying." She cried to nobody in particular.

That voice! You could tell she was crazy at once and it wasn't just the Canadian accent. I'd heard that voice floating around the hostel, always uttering random things at high volumes.

"Just take the beads off if they are so annoying." I flirted a little.

"I can't. I love beads so much! And their connected to my bikini, so I'd be naked if I took the beads off. Do you like apples?"

"Uh, apples are good."

"Apples are great! There are two good things in this world, apples and puppies. Did you go to the toga party? I was throwing apples at people."

"If you love apples so much, why are you throwing them at people, plus, apples are expensive. How could you afford to just throw them around?"

"Uh, cause I love apples! I'm an apple terrorist. Do you like my hat?"

"It is a bit emo."

"Well yes, you should where it. You should become an emo, or an emu. Ok emu! You smile too much. Start looking sad you emu. Apples!"

She seemed genuine. I really don't think she was just acting completely nuts. This was the real deal. That scared me a little.

"This is actually my boyfriends hat!"

She had a boyfriend? Who could possible handle this woman? Now, she was gorgeous, but her attention span was shorter than a chinchilla's.

We "talked" a while longer. I more said things to her and was answered back with random non-sequitors. Every time I made a joke, she would utter something like, "Oh my god. You aren't allowed to talk to me anymore! I have to go away. You are just too funny to talk to. And so happy. Sadden up you emu. I need some apples."

Wow. If only I could have had a full transcription of our little conversation. She seemed nice enough though. Everyone collectively disliked her, but we were all too afraid to admit it.


Guthrie said...

Fantastic post! We love you C.C.

Guthrie said...

How come you didn't get a picture?

Jess Single said...

I also love me some Canuks! :D