Monday, November 9, 2009

Music Monday: The B-52's

Ah, what joy this album brings. It is hard to praise the artistic merits of this because there is very little. It is an incredibly artistic album for sure. It is just too weird to be anything else. Mixing cheery 60's organ, played poorly, with surf guitar, played poorly, simple drums, with an effeminate man, nasally talking or yelling over the music and two women singing eerie spacey harmonies that just don't quite sound right is some sort of statement...or not. Whatever this is, a work of genius or just the work of a bunch of stoned artists, it is undeniably fun. How could a person not love a song like "Rock Lobster"?

The album should fall apart, but somehow it works and has stood the test of time to be hailed one of the highlights of the New Wave movement. From the avant-garde pop of the opening, "Planet Claire" straight through "Hot Lava" there is not a low point in the first have of the album. Sadly, the second side falls apart as the last few songs lack the infectious catchiness and kitchiness of the first half. A camp masterpiece and definitely worth a spot in any person's cd collection.

1 comment:

Jess Single said...

Their album, "Cosmic Thing" is still one of my favorites! :D