Friday, November 7, 2008

Aussie Foods: Meat Pies

For a whole year, I heard Jess complain of unfulfilled cravings for meat pies. Upon arrival to Australia, a woman's first words to her family were, "We need to get a meat pie right now!" This instilled a like need for me to try a so called meat pie. I pondered to myself. Is it like a mince meat pie? Is it like a pastie or a samosa? It took two weeks for me to finally try these "meat pies" and it is very simply a meat pie.
Just take a small pie crust, fill it with seasoned ground beef and you get a meat pie. Nothing too fancy, but boy are they delicious. A perfect cheap lunch, a meat pie is filling and costs a mere two or three dollars. I find it surprising that meat pies are not in the States. They definitely have an international appeal.

Someday, I shall have to start an import/export company that trades popular, marketable Australian foods for likewise popular, marketable American foods. Vegemite will not be one of these.


Anonymous said...

You need to fire your father! We indeed have "meat pies" in the US. They're called chicken "pot" pies and he just never fed you any. They're simple to make, too. Get yourself a couple of frozen pie crust and open a can of chow mein. Pour into pie crust and bake. Yumky! Hamburger, eh? Now isn't that an interesting idea! When you get home I'll get a can of Manwich and set you up, my son! Dad

aj burke said...

The meat pies sound a bit dry...any gravy or sauce in there? I totally agree about the vegemite. I've had it and I don't understand why its popularity persists.